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Jay Inslee executive order could restore some affirmative action policies in Washington state government
OLYMPIA — Gov. Jay Inslee issued an executive order Monday to potentially restore some affirmative action policies to Washington state public contracting, education and hiring.
Monday’s order begins a process of evaluating how Washington state agencies and schools can diversify and achieve equity while still complying with a two-decade-old voter-approved law that bans affirmative action on the basis of gender or race.…
Inslee updates decades-old affirmative action guidance to better achieve equity in hiring, education and contracting
Gov. Jay Inslee today signed an executive order that rescinds Directive 98–01, a 23-year-old document that was supposed to provide agencies with instructions on how to implement Initiative 200 (I-200) on affirmative action. Instead, the directive was overly restrictive.
The governor announced earlier this month his intention to rescind the outdated directive and today’s replacement executive order that will instruct agencies on how to move forward with achieving equity while still complying with I-200. …
Inslee tosses Washington’s outdated affirmative action plan for modernized approach to equality
OLYMPIA, Wash. — Governor Inslee has rescinded the decades-old state directive on affirmative action; drafting a new executive order to take its place with a modernized approach to providing equal opportunities for people from all races and backgrounds in Washington.
The Governor announced his intentions earlier in the month and formally rescinded Directive 98–01 on Monday, January 17. His new executive order outlines guidelines and instructions on how to offer opportunities in an equitable fashion.…
When is defeat not defeat?
Jesse Wineberry, one of the architects of Initiative 1000 (I-1000), which was aimed at restoring affirmative action in Washington state, was at the downtown Bellevue FedEx shortly after the initiative was overturned by 1% of the vote in November 2019. In walked John Carlson, regarded by some as one of the chief opponents of affirmative action, who helped launch an earlier initiative in 1998, I-200, that was widely believed to have killed the policy in Washington state.…
The King County Council recently offered its unanimous support in asking
Governor Jay Inslee to sign an executive order rescinding Governor’s Directive
98-01 implementing I-200 and restore race- and gender-conscious affirmative
action practices in the state of Washington. The motion also affirms King
County’s commitment to ensuring equitable county contracting processes.
“I-200 eliminated many of our tools for advancing racial and economic justice,”
said prime sponsor and King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay.…
In 1998, voters in Washington approved Initiative 200, which many interpreted as ending affirmative action in the state. It turns out that interpretation is incorrect, and that has resulted in a terrible cost for BIPOC communities and women for 23 years.
Today, an organization called Washington Equity Now Alliance, is dedicated to righting what is a historic wrong. We’re joined by five-term state representative Jesse Wineberry to talk about what’s being done, and about how you can help.
The Washington Equity Now Alliance (WENA) and King County Council Chair Claudia Balducci and Council Member Girmay Zahilay met with Washington Governor Inslee's Chief of Staff Jamila Thomas on November 15th, 2021 to urge Governor Inslee's immediate signing of an Executive Order rescinding Governor’s Directive 98-01 and replacing it with Race and Gender Conscious Affirmative Action policies consistent with Initiative 200 (I-200) as interpreted by the Washington State Supreme Court in 2003 and the Washington State Attorney General in 2017. Organizations Represented: King County Council Association of Washington Cities NAACP State Area Conference (Alaska, Oregon, Washington) Washington Indivisible The National Council of Negro Women The Evergreen State College Yakima Chamber of Commerce Washington State African American Cannabis Association Sound Transit Democrats for Diversity & Inclusion Washington State Office of Equity
KIRO 7 News story on the day Washington Equity Now Alliance (WENA) leaders were to meet with Governor Inslee on Tuesday, December 7th, 2021
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Paid for by Washington Equity Now Alliance (WENA)
12345 Lake City Way NE, #2300
Seattle, WA 98125